Civic & Veteran Memorials

Unique and special memorials to honor veterans and public servants.


What is a Civic Memorial?

Civic and veteran memorials are typically built on dedicated land to honor the contribution of military veterans, law enforcement, firefighters, or historical events or individuals. Most have one or more large feature pieces in addition to small pavers or flat markers. Create A Legacy In Stone has had the honor of working with numerous communities in the Upper Midwest on their civic memorials.

Our custom memorials are crafted using the domestic or international granite color(s) of your choosing. The Create A Legacy In Stone team is happy to show you our selection and help you make the right decision for your unique design.

Civic Memorial Sizing

Civic and veteran memorial sizing can vary greatly in size and scope, as each memorial is entirely custom. We offer complete memorial design, manufacturing and installation services for these large-scale projects.

Contact Us

Contact us with any questions you may have, or to start your legacy in stone.